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LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten

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You are her: Archäologischer Park Xanten > Welcome > Departments > Management & Administration

Management & Administration

The management team is always on the move. From daily inquiries to the planned expansion of the APX - they stay on top of everything.

A man stands between two women in the APX-amphitheatre.

Dr. Martin Müller between his colleagues Claudia Isola and Stephanie Schmitz in the amphitheatre

Archaeologist Dr Martin Müller (in the middle) has been Director of the Archaeological Park since 2003. He is committed to making the APX even more family friendly.

His assistants Claudia Isola (on the left) and Stephanie Schmitz (on the right) are also responsible for the scientific library of the APX.

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Jochen Cleve is the APX Head of Administration. He is responsible for all budgetary matters and for staff organisation. Cordula Cremer supervises, among other things, material resources, building finance and exhibition budgets.
Michael Jansen does some of the accounting in connection with the budgetary and financial management and is responsible for purchasing and orders. Andrea Hülsbrink monitors the employment and contract rights and duties of APX employees.

The administration team.

Jochen Cleve, Cordula Cremer, Michael Jansen, Andrea Hülsbrink and Norbert Fleuren in the LVR-RömerMuseum (left to right)

Peter Altmann has been in charge of the APX park maintenance since Autumn 2014.

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