Landschaftsverband Rheinland - Qualität für Menschen

LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten

Bildleiste Forschung

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The excavations enrich our impression of the Roman city. They also provide the basis underlying the reconstructions and presentations in the Park and Museum.

The archaeologists' most important tool - a trowel - is never far away.

Colonia Ulpia Traiana is the only large Roman city north of the Alps that has not been extensively covered with new buildings since antiquity. Its remains are still only a few centimetres below the surface of the lawns in the APX and therefore readily accessible to researchers. This makes Xanten unique, for it is the only place where a complete Roman city can be investigated.

Visitors can view the excavations in the APX. They can take part in an open guided tour of an excavation site during the Roman Weekends. In addition, four "Live excavation" dates each year allow visitors to watch the archaeologists at work. Another possibility is to book a Guided tour of the excavations.

Excavations are presently under way on Insula 18 and Insula 34 in the APX.

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